UX Soup for the Management Soul

UX design translated.

Work: The Works. Also, Work.

You know the expression “the cobbler's kids have no shoes”? Well, designers don't often have the time to design for themselves. I'm in the process of moving this work over here, but in the meantime these links point to Behance and open in a new tab:

Lagniappe, should you want more: Oldies but goodies. Yes the visual design is dated. No it wasn't dated at the time, so try and rewind your mind's eye to 2000-2010. The point is, these were designs that moved the needle at one point. Neither good outcome-oriented product design, conversion-rate optimization (CRO), or search-engine optimization (SEO) are new ideas. Some of us have been doing this for two decades and more:

Ask Per “Pierre” Jørgensen

Q: No comments? What gives?

A: Frankly, I don't have the patience for all the anonymous crap the comment field seems to attract. Since you, dear reader, are neither anonymous nor a purveyor of crap, please use my contact form. I promise to read it, and, if your critique is incisive or your question pertinent, I'll post it (with your permission, of course).